Athletic Performance: from novice youth through current professional including a wide range of sports
Functional Nutrition: Plant-based, all dietary preferences, eating on-the-go, meal planning, meal and food scheduling, pre and post athletic fueling, marathon running fueling
Metabolism: How to eat to burn fat as fuel, eating for hormonal balance, most people under eat, want to obsess over calories? please go to weight watchers instead of me!
Ketogenetic Dieting and Topics: How to eat and workout to burn fat as fuel
Inflammation: Anti-inflammation practices; food and lifestyle; pH and acidity levels, how to fix cholesterol
Hydration topics: water properties, relative to disease states, athletic conditions
Hormone Review: Supplementation protocols
Body Acceptance / Health At Every Size / Somatic Awareness
Weight-loss / Body Composition
Disease prevention: diabetes management, cancer support
Detoxification: heavy metals, liver, juice cleanse, antioxidant support, blood cleanse
Gut health: digestive improvements, IBS
Movement: fitness, structuring a program, running, marathon training
Holistic health perspectives; lifestyle, self-awareness, and nutrition
Meditation education and stress management
Indigenous foods; superfoods
Children's nutrition, ADD/ADHD
Acne and skin conditions
Qi Gong, energy models, guided imagery
Religion, spirituality, relationships, self-awareness, life and death
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Ayurveda (Traditional Indian Medicine)